Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Princess and an Angry Lady

Fun times, kids! I'm on spring break now so I have some free time to make nicer pictures. About the lady in the turban, I'm not sure what's up with it. I keep drawing people in turbans lately...Maybe there's something wrong with me....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dreams are Weird

     Heeyyyyy, you! Yeah, I didn't FORGET that it was my turn to post so much as I put it off. I wanted to have something much better for you guys, but instead you get scribbles because I'm too lazy to paint anything else. ALSO, these are illustrations (or rather scribbles) of a dream I had the other night. It started out with a guy telling another guy that he was an alien, and then they climbed some buildings. Later, though, there was a girl who woke up some aliens from stasis pods, and then it was all "Beauty and the Beast" from there. Yeahhhh...