Monday, May 16, 2011


Gosh golly goodness, if we had followers, we probably don't now! Sorry about the wait! I've busy with school and stuff (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). Just a quicky. I'll try to remember to post more Wednesday.
Clock out.


  1. You followed thru on your word! ;D I like this picture! It's really interesting. By the title I'm guessing she's caught in between unconsciousness and death.... right?? She limboing between the two? Isn't that what Limbo means? LOL!!! It's like I'm psyco-analyzing your art...nevermind... I haven't eaten breakfast yet, so I'm getting wierd ideas! XD

  2. I love it!! I always get the feeling that there's some interesting story behind your art. Keep up the great work!

  3. Would it be too weird if I said that I like her pants and her shoes? Cause I do *giggle*

  4. Your story is interesting. I hope u can also share some info on Wire guards.

  5. Chel, Haha! Yeah, something like that! Thank you!
    Rachael, Thank you! C:
    Allie, haha! Naw, I like then, too! ;)
