Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Sorry for all the late posts, but thanks for bearing with us! Hope everyone's holiday is magical and bright!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Of Course...

It's been about three months since I was supposed to post. Maybe not quite that long... Anyway, the reason I haven't posted is because I haven't sketched anything (extraordinarily crazy for me), and the reason I haven't drawn anything is because it's been work work work on my end. All I wanted to do in my spare time was knit (a pastime I have recently come to enjoy along with the color dusty rose. Oh, no! I'm becoming an old lady!).

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Hunting We Shall Go

Just a piece of a piece I've been working on. I don't think I'll ever get around to finishing the whole thing, so here's the face! Yay!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sketches for the Sketchblog!

 I thought I'd try doing a bunch of different shaped faces. It's a pretty fun exercise.
 Stephan does like to leap about.
Warrior chick! Cloaks! Small hands! What's not to like?

Sorry I've been so MIA. I'll try to be better from now on about posting. For now, here are some sketches from my sketchbook.

Friday, October 7, 2011

JLC and the Giant Robot

...From the 50's!
Since Miss Crown is so busy, I thought I'll post something. I've had in my back closet for a while and I thought I'd share. You guys gotta tell me if this is worth continuing. I've kinda given up on it.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Such and Such

Guess what we made!
And it is the yummiest. Ever. 
     I just wanted to say hi and update because I keep futzing with the blog and I got tired of looking at my last post. Also, I finished my Neapolitan picture. Ta-da! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Whipping up Something Nice

     Just thought I'd let you in on my latest picture project. The only reason I haven't finished yet is that I'm laaaaazy. Oh, well, last days of summer and all that. C:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Recipe Swap!

    I think I might use this as an advertisement for an event I'm planning. Recipe swap meet! We're all going to trade recipe cards and eat good food! I sure hope people want to come...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Super Lame

That's me! ;D Anyway, Here's some crappy concept art for the portal room in my story. It keeps changing, and I wanted to get a hold on the idea. I know it's super crappy, but it's also super quick. (I know it's of my characters, but I had to post SOMETHING) So yeah...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Midnight Cactus Prayer

Ever get an image in your head that you can't get out until you draw it? Well, that's what happened to me with this. And as usual, it didn't come out right. Partly because my dad came in halfway through and kind of made fun of it. Whatevah.

Oh, and don't worry; the lady isn't worshiping the cactus. She's blessing it. So it will grow big and strong and prickly.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Unicorns are Magical

This is the product of rainy weather and a twisted sense of humor. Seriously. I think we're going to have nightmares.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Ugly One(s)!

I can't take to ugliness. Instead I'm giving it to you to enjoy. Or barf on. Your choice. Blarg. I think I'll go ride a unicorn now...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

You're Jealous

     Aren't I amazing? I know, I know, you don't have to say anything. I wanted to wait until I had something worthy to put here. This took HOURS. 

     Pfft. Just kidding. Here's a WIP I did a little while ago. It makes me laugh. ;P

Thursday, June 16, 2011


This week it's FANART!
I just finished reading Bone by Jeff Smith. So good. I love it. The story is good, but the art is just mouth-watering. Yes. I just drooled on the keyboard. (not really...) Anyways, you should check it out. Goood comic.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Gosh golly goodness, if we had followers, we probably don't now! Sorry about the wait! I've busy with school and stuff (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). Just a quicky. I'll try to remember to post more Wednesday.
Clock out.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Never Enough Jellyfish

Only one picture from me. Sorry, kids. Anyways, just a little somethin' somethin' I've been working on in my limited spare time. :) Please ignore the terrible anatomy, because I sure did.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Orange Overload

     Sometimes I think I should try to experiment. The past few weeks were no exception; so now we have orange overload and bad day for one of the insane. Lovely, unfinished pictures that stink. LoL. Yeah, I'm the worst at updating. Sorry. I DO have an excuse, though.
     Also, below is a close-up on a picture I've been working on and off on. I'm kinda proud of it. C;

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Princess and an Angry Lady

Fun times, kids! I'm on spring break now so I have some free time to make nicer pictures. About the lady in the turban, I'm not sure what's up with it. I keep drawing people in turbans lately...Maybe there's something wrong with me....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dreams are Weird

     Heeyyyyy, you! Yeah, I didn't FORGET that it was my turn to post so much as I put it off. I wanted to have something much better for you guys, but instead you get scribbles because I'm too lazy to paint anything else. ALSO, these are illustrations (or rather scribbles) of a dream I had the other night. It started out with a guy telling another guy that he was an alien, and then they climbed some buildings. Later, though, there was a girl who woke up some aliens from stasis pods, and then it was all "Beauty and the Beast" from there. Yeahhhh...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ghost in the Machine

Such a simplistic picture.

I learned about the Roman catacombs in Art History today and drew a little ghost girl, because going into a place like that would creep me out!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dilly Dally

      Yes. This is all I have for you. The girl with the horribly misshapen wrench is based off of a poster from during WWII. Sigh, too much art history... Oh, yeahhhhhh, and the first picture is just... weird.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Unicorn Llama

"Beware, children. He's a WIIIIILD animal." ~ Old Grandpa Bartholomew. Not really.
I haven't had time to do a really nice picture like the one's Miss Clock has been doing, but here's a really cute llama I made up! Originally I was planning on using him in 3D design, but I think not. Not now at least. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weird Men

Since this IS a sketchblog, I thought I'd upload some actual sketches. Also, I seem to only be able to draw weirdo men. I really don't know what's up with that. So, anyway, the first three are lame sketches, and the last one is more finished. Click to enlarge! C:

Friday, January 21, 2011


And you thought I'd forgotten about you.

Persinette is the name of the original Rapunzel (not the Grimm brother's version). It means "Little Parsley." I just finished an intense 3D Design project involving spaghetti, hot glue, and Rapunzel's tower, so I decided to take a break from straight lines and draw the lovely herself. It was fun. :) Enjoy!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Stars and Wombats

     I draw heads too big. I've gotta stop. l:I Anyhoo, just something I worked on yesterday; sort of a re-draw of a horrible old drawing. She's a star weaver or... something.

Friday, January 7, 2011

When Your Hair Disappears

I like using softer, muted colors. It gives pictures an antiqued feel almost. :)

Don't get too used to this whole three-pictures-a-week thing. Things are about to change real fast here.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Feel the Breath of the Moon

 My post is early because, well, I mostly wanted to see how it all worked. Sorry, Miss Crown, I know it's technically still your week, but I couldn't resist!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Night on the Town

Our first sketch for the sketch blog! This one is mine, naturally. Me and my lovely sister...being hypnotized be a wormhole?...Maybe.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Grand Debut

     Welcome all! Inspiration is like air; it's all around us. For two art driven sisters, much of our inspiration comes from a lifetime of competing with each other. But 2010 brought the winds of change, and we find each other on different sides of our fair country. In 2011, we want to stay connected--even if we are separated by a plethora of states! This brought us to the idea of a sketchblog, done together even while not together. Here you find the creations born from our inspirations; largely each other!
     We're aiming for a post a week. First, Miss Crown (the elder) will post, then I, Miss Clock (the younger). Amidst college works, and high school hoops, we will labor to bring you the best!